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分类:目的地 0 2024-09-15 收藏 国家旅业编辑

(左起)澳大利亚旅游局商业及商务会奖旅游部执行总经理马洛宾(Robin Mack)、澳大利亚旅游局首席营销官高素珊(Susan Coghill)、澳大利亚旅游局局长暨行政总裁韩斐励(Phillipa Harrison)、国家旅业网总经理雷蕊

安利(中国)6000人团、如新6000人团、完美(中国)3000人团……近年来,许多上述这样的超级旅游团纷纷造访澳大利亚,开展奖励旅游活动。如此大的规模,较为密集的频率,不由得让人羡慕之余,也生出几分好奇:为什么都选择了澳大利亚?这几天我在澳洲参加其标志性会奖盛事“澳会有期(Australia Next)”,通过与七家会奖局还有众多中澳会奖专业人士交流,对这个问题有了一个自己的答案。

In recent years, serveral big incentive groups such as Amway (China) with 6,000 person group, Nuskin group with 6,000 person, Perfect (China) group with 3,000 person have visited Australia for incentive activities. With such a large scale and dense frequency, it is not only enviable, but also curious, why did they choose Australia as incentive destination? These days, I attended the signature incentive event "Australia Next", and through communication with seven MICE bureaus and numerous professionals from China and Australia, I have come up with my own answer to this question.


“澳会有期(Australia Next)”洽谈现场布里斯班经济发展局隶属于布里斯班市政府,是布里斯班会奖单位。作为布里斯班吸引商业投资、重大商务活动及旅游业的部门,与政府及私营部门密切合作,旨在提升布里斯班在全球的影响力并为布里斯班经济发展注入动力。

Brisbane Economic Development Agency (BEDA) is under the jurisdiction of the Brisbane City Government and is a Brisbane MICE department. As a department that attracts business investment, major business events, and tourism in Brisbane. BEDA works closely with the government and private sector to enhance Brisbane's global influence and inject momentum into Brisbane's economic development.

布里斯班经济发展局商务活动主管Holly Aldridge女士介绍,耗资36亿美元的昆士兰最新娱乐休闲目的地“皇后码头”正在布里斯班河畔成形,从2024年8月开始,这座城市的一个未充分利用的地区将变成一个令人惊叹的充满活力的绿洲。

Ms. Holly Aldridge, Head Of Business Events at BEDA, introduced that the $3.6 billion Queen’s Wharf, Queensland’s newestentertainment and leisure destination is taking shape onBrisbane’s River edge, transforming an underutilised part of thecity into a breathtaking and vibrant oasis from August of2024.


As the vibrant capital of Queensland, Brisbane not only offers stunning natural wonders and attractions, but is also an ideal destination for business events. At the same time, the rapid development of this city also upholds a firm commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development. Delegates can enjoyunparalleled access to distinctive riverside precincts, top-tieraccommodations, and authentic Australian experiences, further enhancing Brisbane's reputation as the preferred destination for sustainable business activities.

凯恩斯及大堡礁会奖局今年与澳大利亚旅游局商务会奖部合作,举办澳大利亚标志性会奖盛事“澳会有期(Australia Next),为国际会奖行业展示多样化的会奖旅游资源,以提升澳大利亚作为卓越商务会奖目的地的吸引力。

This year, Business Events Cairns & Great Barrier Reef in partnership with Business Events Australia to host Tourism Australia’s signature incentive event "Australia Next 2024," showcasing a diverse range of business event resources to the international business events industry and designed to increase awareness of Australia as an outstanding incentive destination. 

凯恩斯及大堡礁会奖局合作与活动总经理Tara Bennet女士介绍道,凯恩斯及大堡礁会奖局是热带北昆士兰的官方会议局,提供非常细致周到的服务,包括行业介绍、提案协助、现场考察行程和目的地营销资料等。Mexicairns是今年8月刚开放的一个新场地,能为多达500人的商务活动提供活动空间。

Ms. Tara Bennet, General Manager of Partnerships and Events at Business Events Cairns & Great Barrier Reef, introduced Business Events Cairns & Great Barrier Reef is the official convention bureau for Tropical North Queensland, providing complementary services include industry introductions, assistance with proposals, site inspection itineraries, and destinationmarketing materials. Mexicairns is a new venue openingAugust 2024, offering event space for business events with up to500 delegates.

凯恩斯及大堡礁会奖局于2022年推出了一项创新型低碳环保计划 Reforest,体现了凯恩斯对可持续发展的积极态度与重视,令人印象深刻。

Business Events Cairns & Great Barrier Reef launched an destination carbon offset program “Reforest” in 2022, which reflects Cairns' positive attitude and emphasis on sustainable development and is impressive.


As early as 1969, the Sydney City established the Convention and Incentive Tourism Bureau, dedicated to promoting Sydney's advantages in hosting incentive tourism and striving to build Sydney and New South Wales into one of the top destinations for global business events and conferences.

我们的交流是与悉尼会奖局内容主管Sarah Stevenson女士,作为澳大利亚最大、最古老的城市,悉尼有着悠久的多元文化历史,以及绝佳的户外体验。这座500万人口的世界级城市,拥有两大澳大利亚著名的地标建筑:悉尼歌剧院和悉尼海港大桥。悉尼会奖局也一直与政府、行业和活动供应商保持密切合作,致力于为企业客户提供更具特色的定制化会奖策划方案。再加上悉尼会议奖励旅游局的不懈努力,自然吸引到了最多的MICE活动。比如:2022安利印度尼西亚领导力研讨会、2018金融服务行业标志性国际盛会SIBOS年度国际会议、2018日本领先化妆品经销商JCosme奖励大会 、2017安利(中国)领导力研讨会 、2016如新创星登峰游等。 

Our appointment was with Ms. Sarah Stevenson, Head of Content of BESydney. As the largest and oldest city in Australia, Sydney has a rich multicultural history and excellent outdoor experiences. This world-class city with a population of 5 million boasts two famous landmarks in Australia: the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. BESydney has also maintained close cooperation with the government, industry, and event providers, committed to providing more distinctive customized MICE planning solutions for corporate clients. In addition, with the unremitting efforts of BESydney, it naturally attracted the most incentive activities. For example, 2022 Amway Indonesia Leadership Seminar, 2018 SIBOS Annual International Conference which is a landmark international event in the financial services industry, 2018 JCosme incentrive Conference for Leading Cosmetics Distributors in Japan, 2017 Amway (China) Leadership Seminar,  2016 Nuskin Summit Tour, etc.  


From venues with stunning harbor views to urban breweries, Sydney offers an endless variety of activity venues to choose from. The W Sydney Hotel is one of the newly opened hotels in Sydney and currently the largest W hotel in the world. Sydney will also welcome its first surfing park in the autumn of 2024, which will become a must visit spot for surfing enthusiasts.


Business Events Perth is the highest organization for business activities in Western Australia and has always attached great importance to the development of the Chinese business event market.

珀斯是一个和中国没有时差的城市,这座城市非常适合中小规模的高端、精品会奖旅游团队。珀斯商务会奖旅游局CEO Gareth Martin先生(右)认为,对于很多已经组织过澳大利亚会奖旅游的企业来说,珀斯是一个全新选择。就在今年,完美中国2,000人会奖团队和安利中国台湾的1,000人会奖团队都选择珀斯作为会奖旅游目的地,刷新了珀斯接待会奖团队的新纪录。

Perth is a city with no time difference from China, which is very suitable for small and medium-sized high-end, incentive tourism groups. Mr. Gareth Martin, CEO of Business Events Perth, believes that Perth is a new choice for many companies that have already organized incentive groups to Australia. Just this year, the Perfect China group with 2,000 person and Amway China (Taiwan) group with 1,000 person, both chose Perth as the incentive destination, setting a new record for the Perth reception incentive group.


Melbourne Convention Bureau (MCB) is Victoria’s leading full-service agency, providing free "one-stop" services covering all stages of event planning, from project and itinerary planning to recommendations for accommodation, venues, featured tours, and team building activities. 

墨尔本会议局会议及奖励旅游总监Joanna Garrie女士表示,越来越多的中国会奖团组重新选择了墨尔本。墨尔本是澳大利亚拥有最丰富的会议设施的城市之一,拥有全澳最大规模的酒店供应。

Director of Corporate Meetings and Incentives at Melbourne Convention Bureau, stated that an increasing number of Chinese incentive groups are choosing Melbourne again. Melbourne is one of the cities in Australia with the richest conference facilities and the largest hotel supply in the country.


The efforts of Melbourne Convention Bureau are also paying off. Since the beginning of the new fiscal year, it has successfully attracted many Asian incentive tourist groups from Chinese Mainland, Taiwan China, Indonesia, South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and India.

展望将于2025年在墨尔本举办的“澳会有期”,墨尔本会议局首席执行官Julia Swanson女士期待行业代表莅临墨尔本,共同助力商务会奖旅游的蓬勃发展。

Talking about the "Australian Next" to be held in Melbourne in 2025, Ms. Julia Swanson, CEO of Melbourne Convention Bureau, looks forward to industry representatives visiting Melbourne to jointly promote the flourishing development of business events.


Business Events Adelaide offers comprehensive support for events in Adelaide such as bid preparation, venue sourcing,accommodation coordination, site inspections, budgeting, and pre/post-event touring solutions. They also provide promotionalmaterial and strategic research to maximize bid success.

阿德莱德城市面积并不大,阿德莱德会奖局国际招标总监Mark Phelps介绍说,这是一座“15分钟的城市”,15分钟的时间可以去到城市的很多角落。机场到市中心的车程也仅需要15分钟。阿德莱德会议中心距离3000多间豪华酒店有不到5分钟的步行路程。城市的其他地区同样可以步行或乘坐免费(电动)公共交通工具轻松出行。

Adelaide's urban area is not very large. Mark Phelps, the International Tendering Director of International Bidding, introduced that it is a "15 minute city" that can reach many corners of the city in 15 minutes. The drive from the airport to the city center only takes 15 minutes. The Adelaide Convention Centre is within a 5-minute walk of over 3,000 luxury hotel. Other areas of the city can also easily travel by walking or taking free (electric) public transportation.


Adelaide is not only the wine and seafood capital of Australia, it has unique advantages in terms of fine wine and cuisine, but also one of the most livable city in Australia.


Northern Territory Business Events is a business department of the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade of the Northern Territory government, providing independent and impartial advice and information to business event planners, and assisting in organizing business events throughout the Northern Territory.

北领地是澳大利亚一些最具标志性的地标所在地,北领地会奖局市场专员Vanessa Johason女士非常自豪于北领地独特的体验和拥有六万五千年丰富文化遗产。北领地是一个鼓舞人心的会议和奖励旅游举办地,具备引人瞩目且多样化的商业和行业优势。

The Northern Territory is home to some of Australia's most iconic landmarks, and Ms. Vanessa Johason, Marketing Specialist at Northern Territory Business Events, is very proud of the unique experiences and rich cultural heritage of the Territory spanning 65,000 years. The Northern Territory is an inspiring venue for MICE tourism, with notable and diverse business and industry advantages.


The Northern Territory has launched a spectacular light, laser, projection, and drone performance project in Uluru. There are also Alice's Hot Springs, Wildlife Park, Darwin Beach, private ports, etc., all of which can provide unique themed activities and customized projects for the incentive groups. It has has achieved outstanding results in hosting business events for Northern Territory.


In the post pandemic era, Tourism Australia has spared no effort in promoting business event. With the joint efforts of major travel agencies, MICE companies, and other institutions, China has become the second largest consumer market for business events in Australia.

以这次我参加的“澳会有期(Australia Next)”为例,这是一项重要且盛大的国际推广活动,计划从去年起连续举办3年,今年由澳大利亚旅游局商务会奖部与凯恩斯及大堡礁会奖局合作举办,明年将与墨尔本会议局合作。可见为了争取更多的国际市场,澳大利亚旅游局有多拼。

Taking the "Australia Next" that I participated in as an example, it is an important and grand international promotion event that is planned to be held continuously for three years starting from last year. This year, it has been jointly organized by Business Events Australia in partnership with Business Events Cairns & Great Barrier Reef. Next year, it will be jointly organized with Melbourne Convention Bureau, which shows how much Business Events Australia is fighting to win more international markets. 


There is always a return on investment. With abundant tourism resources, good infrastructure, strong executive team and effective market investment, Australia is increasingly becoming one of the most popular tourist destinations for business events.

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