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香港缩短入境隔离时间,推出“3+4”新方案 Hong Kong quarantine cut

分类:English 0 2022-08-09 收藏 国家旅业编辑

香港特区政府8日上午宣布将入境隔离检疫减少至“3+4”,即在3天检疫酒店隔离加4天家居医学监察。新措施从 8 月 12 日开始实行,这对旅游业来说是一个重大推动因素。

In a major boost to the travel sector, HKSAR government on the morning of 8th announced a reduction in inbound quarantine to "3+4" – three days in a hotel plus four days of "home medical surveillance", starting 12 August.

目前为止,返港居民和其他接种两剂疫苗的游客必须在官方指定的隔离酒店住满 7 天。

Until now, returning residents and other fully vaccinated visitors had to spend seven days in an official quarantine hotel.

图片《南华早报》The South China Morning Post


The announcement was made at a government press conference on the morning of 8th. The four days of "home medical surveillance" (or hotel stay in the case of non-residents) allow limited movement into areas where "Leave Home Safe" checks are not mandatory. However inbound travellers will not be allowed during the four days to enter places such as restaurants and bars where checks are compulsory.


If travellers test negative daily (through rapid kits) during the four days, they can use public transport, attend work and visit shopping centres.

旅游服务公司Collinson亚太区总裁Todd Handcock表示:“我们业内许多人一直在等待香港政府放宽检疫限制。此前严格的检疫政策给旅游业带来了重大挑战,我们对新措施表示非常欢迎。目前,我们预计人们对前往香港旅行仍持谨慎态度,他们需要先等待航空公司增加飞往香港的航班。”

Todd Handcock, President Asia Pacific at travel services specialist Collinson, said: “Many of us in the industry have been awaiting this positive news from the HKSAR government on the easing of the quarantine restrictions. The quarantine policy has led to significant challenges for the industry and we welcome this latest announcement.


“At this moment, we expect that people will continue to remain cautious to travel to Hong Kong as they wait for airlines to increase available flights to this market."

“随着亚太区许多市场进入夏季,我们应该会看到更多人预订旅程。根据Collinson最新一项研究对亚太地区七个市场的 5,000 多名旅行者进行了调查,受访者平均计划在 2022 年进行3次往返旅行;55% 的人表示,今年有兴趣在本国市场以外的地方旅行至少一次,”他补充道。“在完全解除隔离之前,香港旅游复苏的速度不会达到其他亚太市场的水平,但新方案的推出无疑是朝着正确方向迈出了一步。”

“In region, we do expect to see more people booking trips as many markets enter their summer season. Recent data from a Collinson study that surveyed over 5,000 travellers across seven markets in Asia Pacific found that people have an average of three self-predicted return trips planned for 2022 and 55% have expressed an interest in travelling outside of their home market for at least one trip this year."


“Though it’s likely that we won’t see travel return to Hong Kong at the same pace as we have in other Asia Pacific markets until the quarantine is fully removed, it’s certainly a step in the right direction from a travel recovery perspective.”

来源 | 穆迪达维特免税报告

Source | Moodie Davitt



